A non-profit organization committed to reformed protestant theological education and the local church in Nevada.
(taken from the "Cambridge Declaration" found at https://www.alliancenet.org/cambridge-declaration)
Sola Gratia
(By Grace Alone)
We reaffirm that in salvation we are rescued from God's wrath by his grace alone. It is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit that brings us to Christ by releasing us from our bondage to sin and raising us from spiritual death to spiritual life.
We deny that salvation is in any sense a human work. Human methods, techniques or strategies by themselves cannot accomplish this transformation. Faith is not produced by our unregenerated human nature.
Sola Fide
(Through Faith Alone)
We reaffirm that justification is by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone. In justification Christ's righteousness is imputed to us as the only possible satisfaction of God's perfect justice.
We deny that justification rests on any merit to be found in us, or upon the grounds of an infusion of Christ's righteousness in us, or that an institution claiming to be a church that denies or condemns sola fide can be recognized as a legitimate church.
Solus Christus
(In Christ Alone)
We reaffirm that our salvation is accomplished by the mediatorial work of the historical Christ alone. His sinless life and substitutionary atonement alone are sufficient for our justification and reconciliation to the Father.
We deny that the gospel is preached if Christ's substitutionary work is not declared and faith in Christ and his work is not solicited.
Soli Deo Gloria
(For God's Glory Alone)
We reaffirm that because salvation is of God and has been accomplished by God, it is for God's glory and that we must glorify him always. We must live our entire lives before the face of God, under the authority of God and for his glory alone.
We deny that we can properly glorify God if our worship is confused with entertainment, if we neglect either Law or Gospel in our preaching, or if self-improvement, self-esteem or self-fulfillment are allowed to become alternatives to the gospel.
Sola Scriptura
(According to Scripture Alone)
We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience. The Bible alone teaches all that is necessary for our salvation from sin and is the standard by which all Christian behavior must be measured.
We deny that any creed, council or individual may bind a Christian's conscience, that the Holy Spirit speaks independently of or contrary to what is set forth in the Bible, or that personal spiritual experience can ever be a vehicle of revelation.
Radical Depravity
Though Adam was created in righteousness and uprightness, due to his sin in the Fall, mankind has received not only his guilt but his sinful and corrupt nature (Rom 5:12-21). Therefore, though man can perform beneficial actions, all of his faculties are corrupted by sin. He is darkened in his knowledge of God and understanding of truth and seeks to reject God’s revelation of Himself in order to continue living in his sin (Rom 1:18-31). Man is born spiritually dead as children of wrath and wickedness (Eph 2:1-3; Tit 3:3). No person naturally seeks after God (Rom 3:9-20).
Unconditional Election
According to His mysterious will and gracious purposes, God chose individuals unto salvation from before the foundation of the world (Eph 3:4-5). This is what the Bible calls “election” or “predestination.” God makes this choice based not upon any unforeseen knowledge of what man will do or how man will respond to the Gospel, but upon His sovereign will (Rom 8:28-30, 9:11-18). A believer in no way merits his election. God shows mercy to some and leaves others in their natural state of rebellion and sinfulness; this magnifies both His mercy and His justice (Rom 9:22-23; Jude 4). Furthermore, this doctrine of election should not hinder nor produce apathy in the Christian life but rather encourage it (2 Pet 1:3-11).
Particular Redemption
Christ’s death on the cross accomplished salvation for the elect rather than a potential salvation for an undefined number of people ( Mt 20:28; John 10:15; Acts 20:2; Eph 5:25). This is not to say that Christ’s death isn’t powerful enough to save the entire world, but rather that the atoning work of Christ’s death and the life-giving power of His resurrection are applied only to those who believe; those who believe are those who have been predestined to believe by God. Christ does not intercede for the whole world as high priest, but is a high priest on behalf of God’s covenant people (Heb 2:10-18).
The Spirit's Effectual Call
The Gospel is to be proclaimed to the entire world (Acts 1:7-8). In this sense, there is a general calling found in the Scriptures: all men everywhere are commanded to repent and believe in Jesus (Acts 17:30-31). However, because of man’s deadness in sin and radical depravity, he cannot and will not respond to the Gospel in faith unless God effectually calls Him. God effectually calls His elect to salvation (John 10:1-42, Rom 8:30). This gracious calling does not leave the choice in man’s hands, but rather is God’s sovereign work in making His people alive with Christ upon hearing the Gospel (Eph 1:13, 2:4-6). In this way, the Spirit enables and causes the sinner to cooperate, believe, repent, and come freely and willingly to Christ. No-one can come to Christ apart from God’s drawing (John 6:44).
God's Preservation of His People
God’s elect are kept by God’s preservation through the divine gift of faith (1 Pet 1:7). All whom the Father has given the Son will be brought by His providence and care to the end of their lives remaining in their salvation (John 6:44, 10:1-42). God promises to complete the good work begun in His people at their salvation (Phil 1:6). The Bible doesn’t teach that anyone who makes a mere profession of Christ can then live as they want and still expect salvation; instead, the Bible teaches that God will work in His people to produce fruits of righteousness (Gal 5:22-25; 2 Pet 1:3-11). Those who make professions of faith in Christ but then reject Him and apostatize were not recipients of His saving grace, but merely false converts (1 Jn 2:19).
Brennen Behimer
(BA, Moody Bible Institute; MA, Wheaton College) is a pastor at Parkside Bible Fellowship in Fallon, NV. He is husband to Stephanie and father of six.
Brian Borgman
(BA, Biola University; MDiv, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; DMin, Westminster Seminary; ThM, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary) is a pastor at Grace Community Church in Minden, NV. He is husband to Ariel and father of three.
Jason Ching
(MA, Westminster Seminary California) is a pastor at Dayspring Church in Reno, NV. He is husband to Naomi and father of three.
James Dorman IV
is a street evangelist and a member of Mt. Rose Reformed OPC in Reno, NV. He is husband to Janet and father of four.
Stephen Duarte
(ME, National University; working on MTS, Reformed Baptist Seminary) is a pastor at Parkside Bible Fellowship in Fallon, NV. He is husband to Debbie and father of three.
Bryan Hodge
(BA, Moody Bible Institute; MA, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a pastor at Trinity Reformed Church in Las Vegas, NV. He is husband to Allison and father of nine.
Scott Johnson
(MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary) is the pastor of Mt. Rose Reformed Church (OPC) in Reno, NV. He is married to Robyn and they have five children.
Ed Romero
(MDiv, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a pastor at First Baptist Church of the Lakes in Las Vegas, NV. He is husband to Megan and father of one.
Mike Rosario
(BS in Biblical Studies, Arizona Bible College), is a pastor at Grace Bible Church in Fallon, NV. He is husband to Jill Rosario and father of four with two grandchildren.
Daniel Ruben
(MDiv, Midwestern Baptist) is a pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Carson City, NV. He is husband to Shaelby and father of two.
John Wise
(BSN, Univ. of MD School of Nursing; DDS, Univ. of MD Dental School; MS, Univ. of Iowa Graduate School; MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary) is the Pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Battle Mountain, NV. He is husband to Farrah, and they have 2 grown children.
"The candle is lighted,
it cannot be blown out."
The Reformation Nevada website serves to promote nearby events, give information to those seeking a church home committed to the Doctrines of Grace & the 5 Solas, as well as to provide an opportunity for Nevada pastors & laymen to express theological thought. We hope that this website will serve as a resource to the Christian community of Nevada and beyond.